Soteria Community Development Corp.

Drive down shaw street and you’ll see Soteria Community Development Corporation. You’ll know the building because you’ll see a mural of the word “Human” on the side of it.

Soteria’s founder and leader is Jerry Blassingame. After experiencing severe trauma as a kid, Jerry found himself running from God and selling drugs. After a couple of arrests he was sentenced to 20 years in prison. While incarcerated, he met Jesus and caught a vision for a ministry that would help people just like him - those impacted by the criminal justice system.

Through a series of miracles, Jerry was released (and eventually pardoned). With his second chance at life he started Soteria (which means Salvation). Soteria gives housing and jobs to incarcerated men that are re-entering society and provides low-income housing.

One of the jobs the men do is furniture making. They make all kinds of great pieces which you can find on instagram at @SoteriaAtWork.

You can read more of Jerry’s story by ordering his book on Amazon.


The Poe Mill Achievement Center


Ministry Park