Sammy’s Mission

Recently, on Recovery Sunday, we had David Carson from Sammy’s Mission share their ministry with us. David Carson used to be homeless, traveling between Poe Mill and City View on the West Side. He lived in active addiction. He was eventually introduced to Miracle Hill and was able to get sober and start following Jesus.

His passion became helping other individuals do the same. He named his ministry after his best friend, Sammy Johnson, who died from his addiction. Sammy’s Mission exists so that men struggling with hopelessness and addiction experience hope, hear the Good News of God’s love, live in sobriety and serve others.

They now have multiple transition homes and have helped 83 men live in sobriety. By God’s grace, their graduate relapse rate is about 50% lower than the national average. That tells us that what they are doing is working. Praise Jesus.

Mitch and David Carson praying together at Griggs.


The Gospel


Poe Mill Coins